Posts tagged ‘lofi’

November 7, 2009


like many humans in the second world i have a camera on my mobile phone.
i even use it in frustration, and not till today did i learn how to upload using bluetooth

i am technologically incorrect.


in a flat field

if you walk south on guy street till it ends, and you keep walking, you end up here. one of the few places in montreal home to pine trees. it is close to the canal, and beside an industrial structure that is being destroyed. i found blooming milkweed here. it is the perfect spot in the whole city. if my haus crumbled tomorrow and i had no place to live i would live here.


looking across the canal i find love in all dead spaces. i feel the need to make them alive and loved again.


in all honesty, this stencil says more than anyone i can think of.


i wish i had more convictions to my actions. currently purposeless, i feel i have let my foremothers down.


this photo was taken on a day not unlike today. 100% appropriate. i miss someone.




i love this man more than anyone could know. even with the douchestache, his humour borders on the ridiculous and his intelligence and ability to learn is astounding. he is the summer man, the one i see for a mere 3 months of the year. ilbm. that is all.


we spend hours and hours in alleys, laughing at the pissing drunk man. we, high as all fuck, dream of the ship haus, and every summer living to come. we shared hutch haus, our home that has now been inherited by a newer generation. i hope they appreciate the home we made.


we do stupid things like wander and throw rocks at exploded train containers. because we can. because we’re 20something with love on our hands.



the evolution will be sequinized, crustaceanized.




see mystery lights.


my favourite lines are diagonal.


my favourite symbol is the swastika, hidden in every suburban bathroom tiling.


as it was, my pillowcases are printed bright pink orange and green. on everyone of them is a printed WHY and in my dreams i am asked the question WHAT IS A DREAM? and i should have known that i was dreaming, being asked a question like that.