Archive for September, 2009

September 27, 2009


bad at being a student a lover a daughter a blogger an older woman.
sure i celebrated a birthday with the adopted fam, spent the rest of the week stressed out and agitated due to schizoaffective unaltarable behaviour.  but in retrospect i am doing slightly better than i had originally thought.

this productivity of objections and ideals are propelled by school even though i have done little to pulse myselves forward in ~knowledge.

inspired by shamanism, subversive spirituality and our nu no age leaders i broke down in tears trying to explain why this day needed to be missed / mist.  there is a smaller love inside – fuck2love

swastika love

i was caught making this in class and got off it. for cheers and feers i am not kicked yet. yet.

smaller hearts made with handspun silk covered in raw fingers lusting to hide whatver i had to offer.

shaman heart

shaman heart

trading was the nature of the exercise but i still died inside as i surrendered the smallest kiss in the world. appreciation helps but never cures.


there’s a lot more where that came from – both product and experience.



snake making. my only method of present immortality. adding the weight with marbles with rocks.

maybe my present expressions are better backwards. it always ends up that way, i don’t know if i’ll ever get the hang of perfection freeform.

i am being hurried towards coerced celebrations of things i do not believe in, do not want.

stanic rosary

how much longer can i stand this?

September 13, 2009


in almonte / mississippi valley
proved to be most inspiring and fresh for the new school year

not only were there amazingly talented artists and artisans selling foblabulous goods [really though i could have easily bought 5 items from each vendor] but there were also reall live alpacas ! and cows !

i got almost 0 sleep last night after painting with Sergeant but majah called me bright and early and we were off. we started our fibrous journey at the north lanark agricultural hall where the 4H club were judging cows? or something equally remarkable. inside the farmhouse there were tonnns of vendors doing demos and [as i suspected and hoped desperately for] a little old lady working on an epic autumn quilt BY HERSELF being 1000 years old and owesome.

i bought $20 worth of sample fabrics from perth fabrics because i couldn’t not buy them for various reasons that anyone could know

perth 2

perth 1
the blue is actually much sparklier irl

then we went over to the mississippi valley textile museum for the second half of the exhibits / demos. the museum lives in the old rosamond woolen mill and holds some impressively ancient equipment and lace samples [one having taking 2200 hours to complete ! ] i was really really glad to have found a vendor selling drop spindles and fleece and had a great chat with them. really check these ladies out they are fantastic that is art by ana and heather of ottawa valley fiber arts who were immensely helpful and generous in many ways. thanks guys!

i think i started hyperventilating at this point and i really couldn’t wait to get home and get spinning! so that’s what we did which led to this

trapezoid mouth
turquoise hexagon sun eyes with lavender trapezoid mouth and boards of canada coloured freshly spun yarn

it is 858 and i am exhausted but so energised to spin ! learning new techniques is my #1 thrill in life. it feels really good to be pumped about fibres again because this week i just felt so jaded and unenthusiastic to be back at school. vendors asked me what i was studying in mtl and they ALL open mouth gasped when i say fibres. which is most worthy of open mouthed gasps due to its strange and small nature. i also completely forgot that it was my goal to spin milkweed silk this fall – so now i have fleece enough to give me the time to get the hang of spinning before i go uber experimental on myself.

here are some animule photos to keep you going keep you going good

alpaca power cowabunga


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September 8, 2009


yea you really gotta go to school

combined with

and man i am feeling the not so excited for schools

‘she acts like a slut but she’s really a freezer’

oh heather

just some proof that YES sometimes i can be pretty. if no one’s looking and the light isn’t hitting my face you can see my turquoise hexagonal sun eyes.


a wee basket necklace made of gymp / gimp, yarn, thread, and vintage necklaces. dig. the basket came from a sampler i made my first year structures class [was it really that long ago already? yes it was. stop asking.]


made the chain sometime at my dad’s house the beginning of summer. i saw quite a few people wearing the crochet chain thing so i tucked it away until it goes out of style. its quite swinging still [blergh] but i wore it out to jordan catalano’s party and got many compliments on it, as well as my bones. boo. tshirt is heavily altered smashing pumpkins ZERO. for some reason all the tshirts at labyrinthe are xxxxl and they seem to be ok with that. i bought it anyway cos i was 18 and heavily in the ‘pumpkins and anything billy corgan really. it sat around my closet for almost 4 years till i cut it up and sewed it back together into this ridiculously nonfunctional tshirt dress.

i have been thinking quite a bit about the freight industry lately [wait arent i always?] and have yet to think of a way to improve upon it. along with the banking system, we need more quiet revolutions.

i read this article on the lac bloom project and i think its is rather funny, and strangely unsurprising. the textile manufacturing industry here in quebec has all but collapsed completely what with the cheap labour available overseas – china specifically – and now our mines are being opened to fuel more work outside of our area. the ore is being mined mainly for the manufacturing of cars [which makes me even queasier – i would have like our ore to have built the bixis instead of the job sold to rio tinto alcan [australian, i believe] but i think the city of montreal had a choice in the supplier. in any case, 250 jobs are opened up so its better than nothing. as stranger this ~recession gets the more i realise how much trade is really being dealt between international corporations. nothing, if anything, that is made here stays here.
is this the looks of an evolution? no, i’m projecting again and it’s always been this way.

thumbs to the bumbs

thumbs up. waaaay up.

September 7, 2009

Lies //Our New Home // Lachine

i lie via faecesbook. not only is there the internet in lachine, but also i am not married, not from east timor, not going to school in croatia, not a fascist woman, not an 80 year old man with cheek gloss. my favourite song IS in fact ‘billie jean not my jeans’ [remix by berg]

so here goes folk

kablammo i single handedly assembled that bed yeaaa

yes, i really did assemble that mezzanine bed BY MY SELF no help at all. rule much? but but but the ceiling is much lower than it was at hutch and i can’t sit up in bed, let alone hang out / walk on ceiling. but the room is already an art-splosion and BEHOLD THE GLORY WINDOW

OONA !!!

this is OONA, our resident qat. she was born with only one ear which automatically scores her with extra owesome points. also, her meow makes her sound as if she is an 75 year old chain smoker since the age of 10. enjoys belly rubs and sunshine.

shortly after this i took up a job in lachine / dorval for the long weekend.
the bake bike is ~17km and i was carrying a 23 lb pack. traveling along the lachine canal made me feel as though i were a true voyageur [grade 10 history throwback – voyageurs were the men transporting the goods via rivers and lakes across this god forsaken country of ours [GOOD GOONS the PORTAGES they must have had to bear – on a measly meal of pork and beans – these are the heros of our capitalist nation], while the couriers des bois were the badass dudes trading first hand with the natives] SCHWEEE

look at him go !

i look for the exact moment when the plane looses earth contact. i live for that moment of air transience. lachine / dorval proves its transient appeal – the canal / highway / airport combination is a rare force to be reckoned with. despite the unfortunate suburbia, the Romanticism remains [though i would never permanently reside here unless i were 40 or ready to die or the like]


these installations are a little pretentious [YES WE KNOW ITS A RIVER] but it called for a photograph whilst biking and not looking at all where i’m going hence the composition is even worse than normal. those poplars remind me of maximus’ memorydreme from GLADIATOR.

ever since i got out here there has been a lot of this going on

lazy legs

what can i say.

there actually HAS been work going on – a lot of work, but my standards, however slow

i didn’t take many photos because i packed clothes practically to make room for copious amounts of supplies and frankly i look like a hosebag.

tuna bag / fail

kind of a fail bag. the wool looked good in a ball but as i crocheted it up it looks a lot like a tuna casserole. i cannot not NOT for the life of me crochet straight rectilinear planes they always turn into triangles at some point. tuna triangle bag? do i know anyone who can pull that off???

scandinavian dress ?

i started this dress straight up blue but threw in the red for kicks. it reminds me of norway quite a bit [or heavily inspired by passing this building biking back from the air fields]. i’ll put in the yellow because it reminds me of sweden and call it a scandinavian dress [tho this is not scandivanian weather i can tell you that much]. i am afraid as i keep knitting the red stripe will end up across the butt and it will turn into a BUTT HAZARD which is not a good thing,,,,i dont think?
\ those blues are for more AMOEBARAGS so heads up in a FUTUUUUUURE POOOOOOOOST


more lazy

it being sunday and all i figured i should give my new jesus pendant a whorl. yes i am wearing a shirt with a bow tie baby on it.

kind of a bro

this unfortunate photo does not do the piece justice – i originally made it as oh lord the name escapes me – a sort of a shoulder piece – it reminds me of fancy pants generals or princes or someone really important. well i wanted to highlight that importance that lies in everyone with this magnificantly versatile necklace / shoulder piece / mask / jaunty hat. must model when looking a little less bent.

TAVI is currently the ultimate inspirator. keep it up little dude!

until next time
keep the guitar riffs extra zippy for me- BILL AND TED / WYLD STALLYNS STYLE !!
i’m back in mtl tomorrow eve

September 2, 2009

Slogtra // Itinerance

bind maxing waxing moons over mont royal

i knew the headache was just a humid pressure thing
wake up and smell the astronaut

make your own orange juices
i want to make genres as you make flavours [water crystals?  just add water!]

‘the first time i got AIDS…no wait that was…chicken pox?’
my scars still itch most ferociously when dowsed in boiling water

krakatoa is not a kraken

maybe that’s just because i’m an oinoin / showering ninja


anyone who knows me knows i moved haus [and industries] on the weekend.  luckily it wasn’t very far [5 whole blocks!] but the ordeal remained rainy.

as much of a fan of nomadism i am, there is still a pull towards permanence – a real haus is desired – one that is mine and maybe also another’s?  at this stage in my life and practice it is impossible, but a girl’s got vision.

in any case

here is my east facing wall


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